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Green Pastures


Our local community is under threat by a PE funded planning application for a new logistics hub in our local green belt that will significantly increase traffic congestion, pollution, safety risk for residents and destroy the habitat of local wildlife. Object to the redevelopment of the maidenhead office park, and keep Littlewick Green! 


HGVs per day, adding a significant increase in traffic congestion along the A4


Extra tons of CO2 added to our local environment, threatening local wildlife and residents


Increase in building footprint, in clear contravention of borough planning policy

Truck and Warehouse

Planning application current status

RBWM's planning team refused the planning application on the 25th September 2023. Anglesea Capital, the developers, have now appealed to the Planning Inspectorate. This appeal will be considered during a Public Inquiry at 10.00am on 16th April 2024 at Grey Room 1, York House, Sheet Street Windsor, SL4 1DD. It's important as many affected residents as possible show up in person at the Public Inquiry. 

How will this affect us? 

The site of the proposed redevelopment is marked in red. Anglesea Capital, the property developers, have estimated over 800 HGVs per day will be added to Westacott Way, the A4, and the A404, leading to a huge increase in congestion for anyone living and travelling along these roads. 


Over 200 tons of carbon dioxide will be introduced to the area, reducing quality of life for residents, and bringing significant threat to biodiversity and wildlife habitat


The site proposes over a 300% increase in building footprint, and a 2.5x increase in building height, adding a major visual blight on green belt land


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